
ERITREA : The National Association of Public Health held founding Congress

National Association of Public Health Founding Congress

Asmara, 30 August 2017 – The National Association of Public Health held founding Congress on 26 August at the Asmara Palace Hotel here in the capital.

Dr. Andebrhan Tesfatsion, Director General of Public Health in the Ministry of Health, said that the establishment of the Association will be instrumental in boosting the provision of health services.

Representing the WHO, Dr. Yohanes Gebrat, called on the Association to work for the success of the Sustainable Development Goals set to be implemented until 2030.

The newly elected Chairman of the Association, Dr. Zerabruk Tesfamariam, pointed out that the mission of the Association is to ensure health of the society through integrated effort with other professional Associations in the health sector.

The participants elected an Executive Committee for one year term and adopted the constitution of the Association.

Representatives of national Associations of Medical Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists and the National Diabetes Association delivered messages of solidarity during the conference.