Eritrea response to the EU Joint Statement on the crisis in Tigray Region
“In all these instances, the EU shrugged its moral obligations & continued to funnel billions of budgetary/other fungible assistance to this clique which increasingly emboldened it to indulge in yet reckless acts.Time for the EU to review its policies instead of accusing Eritrea!”
“Furthermore, the TPLF clique continued to occupy – even after the historic 2018 Asmara Peace Agreement – sovereign Eritrean territories in flagrant breach of international law & the Algiers Peace Agreement that the EU & other powers had brokered & guaranteed.”
“The “EU Joint Statement by the High Representatives” on the crisis in Tigray Region of Ethiopia is appalling for the fundamental issues that it glosses over. Issued on the eve of the “fact-finding mission that it is sending to the region”, the timing is also curious & rather odd”
EU Joint Statement by the High Representatives” on the crisis in Tigray Region of Ethiopia
In all these instances, the EU shrugged its moral obligations & continued to funnel billions of budgetary/other fungible assistance to this clique which increasingly emboldened it to indulge in yet reckless acts.Time for the EU to review its policies instead of accusing Eritrea!
— Yemane G. Meskel 🇪🇷 (@hawelti) February 9, 2021