EU Heads of Missions’ visit to road construction site in Eritrea
EU Heads of Missions’ visit to road construction site
The first batch of heavy road construction equipment procured through the EU Trust Fund for Africa to support the rehabilitation of the main arterial road connecting Massawa port and the Ethiopian border has arrived and been delivered to the construction site. In coordination with the Eritrean authorities, the Ambassadors of the EU Member States and that of the UK conducted yesterday a joint site visit at the first part of the road construction works now underway between Nefasit and Dekamhare. The visit offered an opportunity for them to get updated by the construction company on the implementation of the project, discuss related issues of interest and visit the company’s base camp where the 26 pieces of the new heavy machines are currently deployed. Phase 1 of the EU-funded procurement project worth EUR 20 million is expected to be completed next month with the arrival of further construction equipment.
The road, once its rehabilitation is completed will form part of the major transportation corridors now under development that connect the countries of the region and will help reopen the main transport corridor between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Its construction is therefore a major contribution to regional integration efforts and to the implementation of the historic agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia in July 2018. The new road is expected to facilitate trade and development, boost economic growth and create jobs. The EU project is implemented via an agreement with UNOPS.