
President Isaias Afwerki’s Message on New Year 2021

Dear compatriots at home and abroad,

My warmest congratulations to the entire people of Eritrea and its Defense Forces on the occasion of this New Year; 2021.

2020 was a year marked by formidable crisis in the annals of the history of human kind. This stemmed from the calamitous COVID-19 pandemic in addition to cumulative global and regional upheavals.

The Eritrean people succeeded in combating and overcoming the plethora of successive challenges that it faced in the past 80 years principally because of the values of – clarity of vision, patience, resilience, mutual compassion, and sell-confidence that it possesses. These innate values have been tested again in 2020; only to become more robust and luminous. That its endeavours for sustainable development and progress in 2021 will yield – with higher readiness – desired results is indeed indisputable.

My best wishes, again, for the New Year and Christmas!
Glory to Our Martyrs!
Victory to the Masses!