
Brotherly Advice Message to Eritrean Artist Milen Hailu

Selam Millen Hailu,

I personally support your final dreams to become a star that represents Eritrea. However, no artist climbs the ladder of success without its fans. Your fans primarily are Eritreans and also you are trying to represent Eritrean musical art. I think certain things you do are untimely and they can be a bit toned down. I didn’t like your collaboration with the Ethiopian artist recently. I don’t have a hang-up against Ethiopians, but I don’t think you digested the lyrics. You had no clues what the song was about. You made a lot of Eritreans upset. That is not a way to success. Artists always read what the lyrics is. You can call me and I can help you collaborate with many Eritrean Epic artists in the world. If you need to shine you have role models like Winta Efrem, EriAm sisters, Nipsey Hussle, Layne Tadesse, The Ellites, Sanman Negus … etc. Artists are dedicated teachers, but I doubt you understood yet that your gift comes with responsibility to be a good Eritrean cultural teacher to the next Eritrean generation. I am afraid the way you started will have you fail miserably in no time. Trust me.

Thank you.

Araia Ephrem ⇓

⇓ ! ንብዙሓት ኤርትራውያን ዘቖጥዐት ደርፊ ሚለን ምስ ጆሲ ! ⇓