[ERITREA] In the collaboration of the University of SMC & SA graduated 31 nationals with Masters Degree
Distance education graduates
The National Higher Education and Research Institute in the collaboration of the University of Swiss Management Center and South African University graduated on 21 April 31 nationals with Masters Degree.
The graduates are from various government institutions and were graduated in the fields of Business Administration, Finance and Controlling, Human Resources Development, Global Development Economics, Political Science and Empowerment, Information Security as well as Business Leadership.
Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Semere Russom, Minister of Education, indicating that education is the foundation for the overall economic and Social development of a country, said that short and long term distance education have been provided alongside the college education opportunity. Minister Semere pointed out that so far more than 100 citizens have been graduated with Masters Degree in collaboration with the Swiss and South African Universities.
The Director of the Bureau of Standards and Evaluation at the National Higher Education and Research Institute, Dr. Bissrat Ghebru said that the graduates are the products of the firm commitment of the Government of the State of Eritrea to educate its people at all levels so that they become productive and responsible citizens. Dr. Bissrat reiterated that as part of the commitment to produce highly qualified human resources in the country relentless effort is being exerted to expand the provision of higher level education through sending graduates overseas and through distance education.
The representative of the graduates commended the Government for creating providing the opportunity, and pledged to reinforce participation in the national development endeavors.