Successful Public Seminar conducted in London UK
On 23rd February 2020, Eritreans in London UK, held a meeting, on the current situation and developments in Eritrea and the Horn of Africa. The seminar started with a moment of silence to honour the selfless Martyrs who gave us their precious lives for us to live in dignity.
Mr. Tedros Goitom, Head of Public & Community Affairs who made an introductory statement and gave an insight into the program, outlined the purpose of the seminar.
Following this the seminar under the theme of “Resilience for Higher Progress & Development” was presented by Eritrean Ambassador to United Kingdom & Ireland H.E. Estifanos Habtemariam.
Ambassador Estifanos Habtemariam, updated the participants on the current state of Eritrea, explained in greater detail government plans and achievements in several sectors; especially in agriculture, health, education, physical infrastructure as well as the development of human capital. Indicating that the new era of peace and cooperation is the result of the strong perseverance and resilience of the Eritrean people inside the country and abroad and its leadership.
Ambassador Estifanos Habtemariam called for committed participation for the successful implementation of the national development drives. Pointing out that the peace and cooperation agreement signed by Eritrea and Ethiopia has created positive environment in the region, he said;- with the development of relations with neighbouring countries and the lifting of the illegal sanctions the cooperation between the region is growing to the highest level.
During the seminar Ambassador Estifanos Habtemariam says the hostilities Eritrea faced in the last 20 years were multifaceted & detrimental to our economical, social & political development. With the cultured and rule abiding people and leadership that has progressive and realistic policies, Eritrea has become exemplary that those who have agenda of domination have openly become hostile against the Eritrean people. He expressed conviction to resist, during which the development progress of Eritrea is registering promising results and citizens expressing resolve to invest in their country, hanks to the strong resilience and commitment of the Eritrean people and government.
The discussion was very instrumental in raising a call upon all Eritreans in the UK to strengthen the national commitments that can effectively enhance the total mobilisation, organisation and creation of an Eritrean national capacity and thus raising the importance of developing modalities and mechanisms to effectively participate in national development through various projects.
At the end Ambassador Estifanos, outlined Eritrea’s future is guaranteed because of the internal strengths that has been created together with strong organisations and all of the policies of the Government of Eritrea come to the basics and embeds strong organisation. To this regard the concept of development has to be always linked to meaningful organisation. National unity through organisation for Eritrean interest!
Mr. Suleman Hassen, Head of the Consular Affairs, provided an in depth reports and update on the latest Consular Services, including on the department of immigration has done towards the new structure of the identity cards and detailed information on consular services.
Finally the participants like always put forward their views and support as well as questions that were addressed accordingly.The general atmosphere of the seminar can be described as one that demonstrated true patriotism of Eritrean in the UK.
Embassy Media
Information & Communication Affairs
Embassy of the State of Eritrea to UK & Ireland